Humans are multifaceted beings with many components that can be measured by assessments. What is the value of taking these assessments and what do you do with them? Successful people know themselves, and they are aware of how others see them, so they are more effectively navigating their way to their goals with full support from others. Sometimes it is just a simple way to get the best from your employees or other professional relationships. And, the best part is that your inner wiring is what you are born with, so your individuation as a human is natural. Assessments just explain a psychological viewpoint of some notable parts of your personality.
The inner core is emotional — whether or not we show it, we are all sentient and emotive. This is probably the most significant driver of our behaviors and is usually at the heart of our decisions, despite the logical mind’s assertion otherwise. People that have taken an EQ assessment are familiar with their emotional intelligence quotient and how they better influence others.
The second part that can be measured is often called your “hidden motivators” — those are the attitudes or values that drive you. It is often said that we cannot assert ourselves to match the values of the organization to which we belong, and for fulfillment can only find those that share our same values. For example, if you are high in a Social attitude you may find it difficult to share in an organization that is driven solely by profits.
The last part is behaviors, and when I work with clients I often measure those with DISC assessments. Essentially, the DISC assessment shows us how others see us and we can shift those behaviors to get what we want and need from people. Understanding your behavioral style can bring awareness to how you communicate, make decisions, play your role on a team and many other attributes. Once you understand these aspects of yourself you can leverage your level of success greatly.
What is the most challenging aspect in your relationship with others? Emotions, values or behaviors?